Miracles: God, Science, and Psychology in the Paranormal, Volume 2, Medical and Therapeutic Events

The book examines miracles of body, mind, and spirit, presenting the most recent research and writing on these uncommon events, aiming to bring hard science to some of the most persistent and peculiar phenomena associated with the human race.

Miracle stories live forever. They appear in all religious traditions and though the traditions change greatly over the centuries, the miracle stories stay the same.
Numerous explanations of miracle stories have filled uncountable volumes over the centuries. None, so far, quite satisfies the hunger of the human mind and spirit for a final answer to the questions, Are miracles real, or a chimera
of our imaginations? What really happened, and what does it mean?
Is it possible to devise thoroughly rational and naturalistic interpretations of this mystifying phenomenon, but then, when that is said and done, we have the sense that while the rationale holds up well enough, the intriguing
center of the issue has not been exploded.

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